The History of the Panic Bar

Take a moment to think about how many panic bars you see on a daily basis. If you stop to reflect on it, the number is probably pretty high. We take this hardware for granted, but the technology is much more important than many people realize.

Our team took a step into the past to talk about where panic bars came from and why we need them today.

Unfortunate Origins

A little over a century ago, many buildings were built to use deadbolts or iron gates that blocked exits. These were secure and sturdy, and they were only able to be opened by someone with a key.

Unfortunately, this led to several fatal accidents. Hundreds of people perished in fires in 1883, 1903, and 1908 from iron gates, deadbolts, and other locking mechanisms that didn’t allow for emergency exits. After this string of tragedies, the hardware industry decided there needed to be a solution that could save lives.

Life-Saving Technology

Panic bar technology, also known as a crash bar, was designed to allow people to exit an area during an emergency situation. We manufacture accessories that allow panic bars to be installed on a gate that locks from the outside. This keeps an area secure, all while ensuring that occupants have a quick way out.

It didn’t take long for the technology to be incorporated into many building practices. Now, several different businesses have panic bars, both on doors and gates, just to be safe. You may also see panic bars on fenced-in restaurant patios.

Choosing Panic Hardware

There are several different types of panic bar hardware and accessories available today. Some require codes for access, while others use keyed entry. Our team is happy to create hardware that helps equip gates with panic bars for safe exits. The right solution for your project depends on local regulations and individual building needs.

Panic bars that are properly installed can meet local safety regulations and possibly even save lives. Browse our selection of panic bars, accessories and kits today to get started, and feel free to reach out to us if you have questions about our hardware. After all, we’re excited to offer such an important piece of life-saving hardware technology.

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