Safely Securing Pools

Summer is just around the corner, which means that fun warm weather activities are at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Because the season is nearly synonymous with swimming, it’s important to consider what needs to be included when designing and installing a pool fence.

Pool fences save lives, and when they’re properly executed, they make summer a fun and relaxing season for everyone. Follow our tips below for how to safely secure pools in your projects.

The Right Height

Regulations for pool fences vary by state, county, and even city. However, most pool fence regulations require a barrier that is at least four feet tall. This is designed to be just tall enough to keep out children who may be at a greater risk for drowning.

If the project you’re working on is for a private pool, you may want to consider designing a fence that is at least five feet tall. At this height, older children and adults have a hard time climbing over a fence, which means that intruders are kept out.

Many consumers believe that a four-foot fence looks better than a five-foot fence, but the final deciding factors are the building codes in your area.

The Ideal Material

When you design a pool fence, it’s important to keep in mind which material the barrier will be made out of. Metal fences are standard for protecting swimming pools, but these fences need to fit other codes as well.

Many building codes state that the fence cannot have spaces that would allow a child or animal to slip through. It’s also critical to avoid fences that have hand or footholds for children or adults.

The Perfect Hardware

When designing a pool enclosure, it’s essential that the gate cannot be opened by children. Even the tallest fence will do no good if the latch is easy to open.

Because of that, we recommend using an Auto-Latch. These latches are designed to be child resistant when properly installed, while still being convenient for adults. Plus, if intruders are a concern, our Auto-Latches can be padlocked on both sides for added security. This ensures that the pool remains private and safe, no matter who tries to get in.

When it comes down to designing a pool fence, the most critical step is to check your region’s building codes. If you need help meeting those codes, or if you have questions about other hardware that would be good for similar projects, reach out to us. Our knowledgeable team is always ready to help.

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